Real Book Multi Tracks Vol 3 All Blues Play-Along

Winner - Music Makes a Difference Award

Looking forward to many more years of service
Today's best way to practice jazz! Accurate, easy-to-read lead sheets and professional, customizable audio tracks accessed online for 10 songs. The interactive, online audio interface includes: tempo control; looping; buttons to turn each instrument on or off; lead sheet with follow-along marker; and melody performed by a saxophone or trumpet on the -head in- and -head out.- The full stereo tracks can also be downloaded and played off-line. Separate lead sheets are included for C, B-flat, E-flat and Bass Clef instruments.
This volume includes 10 songs: All Blues - Back at the Chicken Shack - Billie's Bounce (Bill's Bounce) - Birk's Works - Blues by Five - C-Jam Blues - Mr. P.C. - One for Daddy-O - Reunion Blues - Turnaround.