Percussion The Mallet Player's Toolbox

Winner - Music Makes a Difference Award

Looking forward to many more years of service
This 88-page, 10 lesson method for mallets can be a stand-alone method or may be used in conjunction with the popular Snare Drummer-s Toolbox.
Enjoy These Downloadable Additions!
A student PDF addendum containing a keyboard chart, more in-depth major/minor & blues scale exercises and arpeggios as well as additional lesson exercises for more practice with particular notes, rhythms, etc- Also included are two mallet parts and a timpani part for the Toolbox percussion ensemble, -Tools of the Trade-, as well as additional timpani exercises.
A director-s PDF addendum containing all of the solos/duets & exercises, in score form, with both snare & mallet parts that work together from both books. The -Tools of the Trade- complete score with new mallet and timpani parts.
Over 25 Play-Along-Trax that work for all mallet & snare solos/duets from the Toolbox curriculum.
Fun Groove Trax of drum-line, beat-box & rhythm section styles at various tempos to be used for more stimulating practice.
Click Trax of various tempos from 60bpm to 180bpm.
The piano accompaniment to the included solo -Justnata Sonata-. Both with and without the solo mallet part.