How to Tune your Ukulele


Learning to play your ukulele is an exciting journey, and it all starts with the basics. One of the most important steps in playing your uke is tuning the instrument.  No matter how hard you try, you can’t make an out-of-tune instrument sound “right”, so before learning anything else, learning to tune is going to be step one! This can be a bit tricky for beginners, but don’t worry—with a little practice, you will get the hang of it! In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how to tune your ukulele so you can start strumming away like a pro. 

First up: know the pitch for each string! 

A typical ukulele will have four strings - G, C, E, and A. It can be helpful to use a mnemonic device to remember the pitch for each string. Our go-to is “Guitarists Can Eat Apples” but have some fun and come up with your own! 

Next: Find your Tuning pegs: 

The headstock of your ukulele will have your tuning pegs . Turning the pegs will make your strings tighter or looser –  Tightening the strings makes the pitch go up; loosening the strings makes the pitch go down.

Time to Tune!

Most beginners find it easiest to tune with an electronic tuner. These inexpensive devices measure vibrations and help ensure that your strings are correctly tuned. Once you have a tuner handy, simply turn it on and clip it onto the headstock of your guitar so you can see the display. Then pluck one string at a time and adjust each tuning peg until the tuner reads that string as “in tune” or “accurate”. Repeat this process for each string until all six strings are in tune. 

Learning how to tune your guitar is essential for any musician wanting to play their favorite songs and should be done every time you get out your guitar to practice or play.  With a bit of practice and patience, anyone can learn how to tune their instrument. Over time, you may develop the ability to tune by ear, but don’t worry if this skill takes time to develop, even the pros make sure to have and electronic tuner in their cases to make sure that their gear is ready to go when it’s time to play! 
